Wheeler Chamber of Commerce - 39th Annual 4th of July Celebration
Photo Credits: Edwin Mendoza and Sammi Lee Davis (SLD Multimedia)
Our wonderful, Wheeler Chamber of Commerce 39th Annual 4th of July Celebration would not be possible without the generous donations of our local community members. Many of these sponsors not only donate some big bucks, but they often donate supplies, labor and materials and ask how they can volunteer. Please consider shopping local and supporting our following businesses that make fun events like this possible! They MAKE A DIFFERENCE every day by being a part of the commUNITY and give back as often as they can. YOU can MAKE A DIFFERENCE by choosing to shop and support local businesses when you can! TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE in our commUNITY!
ROCKSTAR: Britt Ranch, Capital Farm Credit, Cross Country Barn, Koepke Sales and Koepke Legacy Insurance Group, Market Square and Wellington State Bank
BLUE: Arrow Water Well, Marshall Auto and Ware Chevrolet
WHITE: 7H Angus/H&H Tire, Amy Zybach CPA, Bob's Bail Bond - Pat Childress, Branded Metalworks, D.Howard Production Consulting, Goad Families, Guns 'N Glitter, Happy State Bank - A DIVISION OF CENTENNIAL BANK, Hyland's Pharmacy, James & Natalie Thomas, Legends 92.9 & 98.9, Maxey's Steakhouse, Mel's Diner, Moore Insurance Agency, Oneok, Parkview Rural Hospital & Health Clinic, Pinion RV Park, Pinion Spraying, Stiles Ranching Services, The Coate Rack, The Studio, Wheeler Church of Christ, Wheeler General Store, Wheeler Land & Livestock, Wheeler Nursing & Rehabilitation, Shelton Title Companies, Wheeler Vet Clinic and Xcel Energy
RED: Cornerstone Church, County Star News, Robertson Funeral Directors, Shamrock Chamber of Commerce, Soto's Family Restaurant, and Western Equipment - Pampa
ACTIVITIES: B&G Cattle Co., Bass Farms, Billy & Kara Richardson and Family, Carniceria Aguilar, Chick's All Things Beauty, The Daughtrys, Finsterwald Ranch, Gage Angeley Construction, Greenbelt Electric Cooperative, Inc., JL Ranch LLC, Kim's Barber Shop, Meek Club Lambs, Panhandle Handmade Market, Pat & Liz McDowell, The Randy Hensons, Rogue Theater, Sew Champ Designs, SLD Multimedia, Wheeler Times, Y&C Tax Services
FRIENDS OF THE FOURTH: Cole Wilson, David & Stefanie Jones, Hefley Hardware and Feed, Kimberly Morgan Family, Main Fades by Bobbi Howe, Massage Therapy Cener - Zodell Swift, Dan & Gail Sams, Rick & Tina Bond, Dustin & Taylor Weatherly, Tink's Snowcones, TR Land & Cattle, Turkey Track Ranch, Wheeler Self Storage, BeRefreshIV
Thursday, July 4th at Tom Britt Memorial Park
1st Lt. Ben Britt Fun Run:
Male (10 & under): Camden Lawyer 16.21
Female (10 & under): Ava Cooper 30.44
Male (11-18): Trent Baggett 12.13
Female (11-18): Skylnn Lawyer 14.22
Male (19-30): Hayden Holwick 13.35
Female (19-30): Brooklyn Buckingham 28.36
Male (31-55): Josh Britt 14.50
Female (31-55): Stacie Hanson 16.09
Male (56+): Steve Zybach 30.09
Female (56+): Shonda Vinyard 22.42

Business (TIE): Wellington State Bank & Marshall Auto
Club/Organization: Wheeler Chamber Youth Ambassadors
Classic Car: Zybach Wealth Management
Family: WHS Cheerleaders
Just for Fun: Rylee Rose, Aliyah McCarter & Jace Moffett
ATV (tie): Koepkes & Holwicks / Nicholas Shipley
Heat 1: Jimmie Davis
Heat 2: Hoover
Heat 3: Leedy & Lace Lane
Heat 4: Kace Campbell & Keegan Kiker
Heat 5: Sawyer Stevens
Heat 6: Jade Lee
Heat 7: Adyn Taylor
Heat 8: Rowen Selby
Heat 9: Winter Stevens
Grand Champion: Rowen Selby
PUNT / PASS / KICK (Camden Dorris & Josh Reid):
Kindergarten and Younger: Jansen
1st – 2nd Grade: Sawyer Stevens
3rd – 4th Grade: Grant Cooper
5th – 6th Grade: Champ Davis
7th – 8th Grade: Hazen Dorris
High School: Bryce Hill
3rd Annual MUD Volleyball Tournament – Hosted by: DV8 Youth
1st Place: Dirty Bumps from Pampa
Runner Ups: The Team
Doubles Champions: Cody Davis & Bobby Don Hendricks
Doubles Runner-Up: Ty Ferguson & Nathanael Darnell
Singles Champion: Drew Thomas
Singles Runner Up: TA Taylor
2nd Annual Goat Roping - Hosted by: Ft.Elliott FFA
12 & Under Buckle: Kace Campbell and Easton Otts
Open Buckle: Kyle Brown and Trent Cadra
1st Annual Muddy Tug-O-War - Hosted by: WJH Cheerleaders
Adult Winners: Team Oldies
Youth Winners: Team Mustangs
8th Annual Janette Umsted Memorial Scholarship Corn hole Tournament
1st Place: Daniel Dailey & Ethan George
Runner Up: Justin James & Trenton Gaines
3rd Place:Doug Reed & Landry Umsted
4th Place: Doug Reed & Steve Zybach
3rd Annual “King of the Grill” Red, White and BBQ Contest - Hosted by: Market Square with Bobby & Shantell Ford
Chicken: Pork ‘n Things / Ribs: Pork ‘n Things / Pork: Pork ‘n Things / Brisket: Spare Parts BBQ / Cook’s Choice: Spare Parts BBQ / People's Choice: Spare Parts BBQOverall Grand Champion and winner of TRAEGER Grill given away by Market Square: Pork ‘n Things
Chamber of Commerce “____ of the Year” Awards - Nominated by peers and community members
Wheeler Chamber of Commerce 2024 Man of the Year
Robert Ford - This year’s man of the year award goes to a man who serves this community in a very important role. He protects the citizens of Wheeler, Wheeler County, and the surrounding area with his calm leadership and priceless experience. He has been the Wheeler Fire Chief for 25 years, but he would be the first to tell you that the success of his department is the result of commitment from every person on the Wheeler Volunteer Fire Department. He’s a proud father, and an even prouder Pops to his granddaughter Laurel. Help me recognize and thank our Wheeler Chamber Man of the Year - Robert Ford.
Wheeler Chamber of Commerce 2024 Woman of the Year
Rhonda Scott - Our woman of the year is an outstanding individual who has been called things like kind, caring, efficient, hardworking, dedicated, and determined. All of these characteristics are evident in her career as well as in every organization that she is involved with - Girl Scouts, Wheeler Sports Board, Wheeler Caine Association, Wheeler County Community and Youth Training, Wheeler County Emergency Management, the Texas Tele-communicator Emergency Response Taskforce, Wheeler Mustang Sports Booster, Panhandle Regional Planning Commission, and the Wheeler Chamber of Commerce. ......just to name a few. In her spare time she helps Kristen with the Chamber Ambassadors and recently she was a great help with the wildfire relief efforts.A coworker said,”...her number one goal is to contribute to the growth and improvement of our community.” - WE SHOULD ALL STRIVE FOR THAT! This year’s very deserving Woman of the Year is Mrs. Rhonda Scott.
Wheeler Chamber of Commerce 2024 Employee(s) of the Year
North Wheeler County EMS - This year’s employee of the year is actually awarded to a group. These workers put in countless hours of training and sacrifice, so that when called upon, they are prepared to handle any emergency situation. This team was put to the test this year during the wildfires. The work they did transporting and evacuating patients as well as taking care of others was amazing. We often take for granted the time these workers spend away from their homes and the amount of pressure they handle. Today let’s let them know how much they are appreciated. Join me in thanking this year’s Wheeler Chamber Employees of the Year, the North Wheeler County EMS! The full time EMS team: Skye LaneTandy DrakeKelsi Cook Roy Nelson Sherry Arnold Bryan Yates Kevin Lowder Amanda Bond PRN members: Tanner Cadra Sierra Widener Jocelyn Sanders Camden Ryder Jessica VanHouton

Wheeler Chamber of Commerce 2024 Volunteer of the Year
Sylvia Schuler - This year’s volunteer of the year is an incredibly talented individual. At the age of nine she was playing the piano for funerals. At the age of 13, she became the church organist. Her volunteer spirit shines brightly every year when the school asks her to play for the junior high and high school graduations at Wheeler and she graciously accepts - and has done so for over 70 years. Her dedication to serving her community by playing at funerals, weddings, and graduations has made it where she has occasionally missed some of her own family events. It’s no surprise that our 2024 Wheeler Chamber Volunteer of the year is the wonderfully talented Mrs. Sylvia Shuler.
Wheeler Chamber of Commerce 2024 Teenager of the Year
Karsyn Keys & Edwin Mendoza As many of you know, we now have the Chamber Youth Ambassador Program where our area youths in grades 6th through 12th meet weekly to learn, discuss, and promote the Wheeler area. It has been an honor to watch these students take on responsibilities concerning the present and future of Wheeler County. We have a number of students who stand out and certainly deserve the award of TEENAGER of the YEAR and because of our outstanding group, this year we will award TEENAGER OF THE YEAR to two very deserving individuals. Our first TEENAGER OF THE YEAR is a young lady that is certainly no stranger to any of you. In school she thrived in FFA and used her leadership skills in student council throughout high school. She always shows up to help others from Meals on Wheels delivery to community clean up. She is our first president of the Chamber Youth Ambassadors, and “she truly cares and believes in all things Wheeler”. Her dedication and commitment will certainly be missed next year when she’s away at Texas Tech. Please help me congratulate one of Wheeler’s TEENAGERS OF THE YEAR, Karsyn Malone. Our second TEENAGER OF THE YEAR has presented himself as a young professional with his willingness to help in any way whether it’s physical help or him using his talented skills on a computer. He’s been a leader throughout his time at Wheeler ISD in student council, band, and one act play. He has given countless hours to help design projects for the Wheeler Chamber and even designed the July 4th logo for this year. He’s a responsible young man who will make his mark on the world with his kindness and his skills beginning at Texas Tech next year. Please join me in celebrating Wheeler’s TEENAGER OF THE YEAR, Edwin Mendoza.
Wheeler Chamber of Commerce 2024 Business of the Year
Cross Country Barn - Since this business was founded here in Wheeler, it has been nothing short of an absolute blessing. It is known for its outstanding service and for its generous support to the school and the community. More than once they have gone the extra mile by helping others in need. They make sure to put Wheeler on the map as they serve so many out-of-towners stopping on their way through. Many employees say they love working here because they are treated like family. Please put your hands together to congratulate our Wheeler Chamber Business of the Year - Cross Country Barn, Dale & Monica Kidd!
Wheeler Chamber of Commerce 2024 Pioneer of the Year
Lyndon Loyd - This pioneer and his wife moved to Wheeler in 1970. He worked at Beef Cattle as a foreman for 3yrs. From 1973-1982 they owned & operated The Ben Franklin Store. He knows the importance of supporting local businesses. In 1975 he was the Wheeler Chamber Man of the Year then served as Chamber President in 1976. He held numerous positions with the Wheeler Ambulance, the Wheeler Methodist Church, Kiwanis, and was the Little League Commissioner.He served almost 50 years for the Wheeler Fire Dept, and In 2011 he was awarded FireFighter of the Year. I know you’ve seen him volunteer his talents as an auctioneer at many fundraisers.He loves Wheeler, and he’s a friend to all. Congratulations to Lyndon Loyd, our 2024 Wheeler Chamber Pioneer Spirit.
Friends of Veterans Quilt Presentation:
MEL EVANS - Quilt by Pam Hibler Melvin Leon Evans born in Pasadena TX, graduated from Texas City High School. Mel is aMarried to Patti Evans and has 3 daughters Fharren, Taylor and Shelbi all of Amarillo. The joys of his life are his 3 grandchildren Ryder,Raegan and Ky. He entered the Army in 1988 serving during "Operation Just Cause" during the Panamanian invasion. Upon exiting his Army duties, Mel joined the Texas National Guard which he served through 1994. Mr. Evans is currently the Head Band Director here for Wheeler ISD and has advocated dozens of students to seek a career in the Military. His quilt was made by Pam Hibler.

CAMERON REED - Quilt by Abby Lenz & Tina Bond Cameron Reed Joined the Army in Sept of 2004, Served 14 years, 3 Deployments to Iraq, 1 rotation to South Korea. Units include 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, 5th Special Forces Group (Fort Campbell, KY); 3-69 Armor Regiment (Ft Stewart, Ga); National Ground Intelligence Center (Charlottesville, Va); 1st Engineer Battalion (Fort Riley, KS). Cameron’s quilt was made by Tina Bond and Abby Lenz

MAC SHIELDS - Quilt by Melba Darnell William Mack Shields basic training in El Paso advanced training in Seaside CA, remained in Hawaii and was in the army classed as an E4 from 1966 to 1968. Farmer Rancher Mack’s quilt was made by Melba Darnell.

RUSSELL WOOLLARD - Quilt presented by Claudine Finsterwald Russell Joe Woollard enlisted in the United States Marine Corps at the age of 17 after graduating from Wheeler High School in 1994. He served in the infantry and was stationed at Camp Pendleton,California. Russell was posted to Charlie Company 1st Battalion 1st Marines; a Helo Assault Company. He did 2 deployments to the Persian Gulf with the 13th and 15th Marine Expeditionary Units, rated Special Operations Capable. He still maintains contact with the brothers that he served with. Russell was discharged from Active Duty as a Sergeant in 1998 and his final discharge from Inactive Ready Reserve was in 2002. The Veterans Quilt Russell is receiving today was made by his mother Judy Woollard and originally presented to her brother Larry Finsterwald. Larry passed away in 2019; his wife Claudine Finsterwald is presenting this very special quilt to their nephew Russell per Larry’s request.

In Honor of 1st Lt. Ben Britt - Quilt by Lanette Hastey Ben was born and raised in Wheeler, Texas, attending Wheeler Schools K-12. Throughout his school years, Ben was active in many extra curricular activities, earning state wide recognition in literary competition and football. He also achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. Ben attended Trinity University where he played football. Following his freshman year he transferred to West Point and joined the rugby team. Ben graduated at the top of his class at West Point and could have chosen an appointment to any posting in the world, but he chose to go to Iraq. He felt his family had been so blessed by this nation that he had to give something back. He was a platoon leader in the 101st Airborne and an Army Ranger. Ben was kind, humble, God-fearing, intelligent, compassionate, and as honest as the day is long. He loved Texas, the ranch, his family, his platoon, learning, and the United States of America.Ben’s quilt was made by Lanette Hastey. Accepting the quilt in Ben’s memory is his family. *Many quilts quilted by Flying Hearts Quilting - Ken & Lanette Hastey

Featuring: Jake & The Fat Men, Mitchell Ford, Tyler Wilhelm, JW Lane & CR X, Seth Ward & The Silence, Gary P. Nunn
Fireworks presented by the Wheeler Volunteer Fire Department - Under the direction of Chase Helton

Saturday, July 6th - Wild and Free on 83
Downtown Wheeler, TX
Wild & Free on 83 - 3rd Annual Wild & Free on 83 Car Show
Hosted by: Kelly & Casey Cook
Best in Show: Brady Brogdin
People’s Choice: Mark Odom 1949 Ford
Poker Run: Steve Marshall & Kanin Marshall
Wild and Free on 83 - Mr. and Miss Firecracker Pageant
Hosted by: Tiffany Berten
0-12yr Girls: Natalie Dillman
0-12yr Boys: Banner Richardson
12-24yr Girls: Harlow Taylor
12-24yr Boy: Kingston Moreno
2-3yr Girl: Deni Jo
2-3yr Boy: Kasher Flores
4-5yr Girl Talent: Cambree Richardson
4-5yr Girl Little Miss Firecracker: Daizee Flores
6-9yr Girl Talent: Lailah Valenzuela
6-9yr Girl Little Miss Firecracker: Allee Jones
10-13yr Girl 4th of July Wear: Kynzlee Nall
10-13 Girl Talent & Miss Firecracker: Abigail Schulz
Wild and Free on 83 - Open Mic
Wild and Free on 83 - Chamber Ribbon Cutting for THE STUDIO