The 39th Annual Wheeler Chamber of Commerce 4th of July Celebration is shaping up to be one of the best - and you won't want to miss out on all the fun and entertainment packed into Thursday, July 4th!!

SPONSORS - None of what we enjoy would be possible if it wasn't for our generous sponsors, many of which do not only sponsor but they give of their time and volunteer to help set up for the event, or during the day's events help with trash pickup or anything they see that needs a helping hand to helping the next day. They give because they want to help and give back to the commUNITY. Which is a HUGE reason we stress to LOVE LOCAL and support them by shopping local as often as you can.

WRISTBANDS - , click "Buy Wristbands online" There are (8) local hubs that will have $10 wristbands available starting Monday, June 17th - Wednesday, July 3rd. They are Wheeler City Hall (501 S. Alan L. Bean Blvd), Marshall Auto (116 E. Texas Ave), Mel’s Diner (704 W. Oklahoma), Wellington State Bank (405 S. Alan L. Bean Blvd.), The Studio (418 S. Main St), Kim’s Barber Shop (7788 US Hwy 83), Cross Country Barn (301 E. Oklahoma), Hyland’s Pharmacy (108 W. Oklahoma Ave) and Wheeler Vet Clinic (1309 W. Oklahoma).
Our veterans, servicemen/women will receive complimentary wristbands (available at City Hall). Anyone that has won tickets via our social media giveaways can also pick up their tickets at City Hall. City Hall is open Monday-Friday (8am-12pm, 1pm-5pm).
Tickets are new this year, and allow you to get in the gates on Thursday, July 4th.
There are opportunities to WIN wristbands everyday on social media. We also have VOLUNTEER opportunities, for an hour of your time, we will reimburse with wristband, if interested please contact us at or stop by City Hall OR click on this link to sign up to be a volunteer before/during/after:
All funds go back into the commUNITY to help pay for the Celebration's many, great events and continued growth.
Kicking off the event on Wednesday, July 3rd will be the BBQ Cook-Off Cook's Meeting held at 7pm at the Tom Britt Memorial Park, the contact is Bobby Ford 806.663.6840. Please contact for rules and information. This year's grand prize is a Treager Grill given away by Market Square!
Face Paint by Sibyl
Thursday, July 4th from 7:00 am - 9:00 am at Sibyl Clark's Studio (110 W. Oklahoma Ave.)
PSST.. She will also be face painting on Saturday, July 6th from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm for the Wild and Free on 83 Event (Scroll to bottom for more information on that event)

THURSDAY - July 4th - Tom Britt Memorial Park
1st Lt. Ben Britt Fun Run/Walk
Kicking off the morning at 7:15 am is the 1st Lt. Ben Britt Fun Run at the EAST entrance of Tom Britt Memorial Park (please enter via main entrance of park of Oklahoma/Hwy 152. The Fun Run will start at 7:30 am.
Enter NOW to secure your t-shirt (tanks are available, see mockup below):
Click "2024 Fun Run" and fill out the form:
Contact: Jae Houska 580.330.0522
You do not need to sign up. Parade starts promptly at 9:00 am.
8:15am LINE UP and get ready with your float/vehicle, line up off 9th & 11th street and Sweetwater & Red River. The VFDs/Emergency will line up at 10th and Hwy 83 to kick off the parade, then all other floats fall into line. Parade route will cross over Hwy 83 on 10th and head down to Kiowa, circle around Wheeler Nursing & Rehab and head north on Kiowa to 7th street, turn west on 7th and end at the Tom Britt Memorial Park off Osage Street.
Contact: Shelly Keys 806.334.2057
Turtle Race registration will start at 9:30 am on the East side of the Soccer fields at Tom Britt Memorial Park and heats will start as soon as there are enough turtles per heat, with FINAL heat of winners after Opening Ceremonies (10am). We want to try and get the turtles out of the heat and released as soon as possible. **NO SNAPPING WATER TURTLES

At 9:30am vendors set up for food, shopping and FUNdraisers. Forms available at City Hall (501 S. Alan L. Bean Blvd) or online click "Vendor" button and fill out the form. Contact is Christie Davis 806.736.0418
10:00 am The Boy Scout Troop 472 will raise the flags with the National Anthem being sung by one of our Chamber Youth Ambassadors, Addison Hefley. We will also have our "Friends of Veterans" Quilt Presentation and the Wheeler Chamber "Of the Year" Awards.
Thank you to those that took the time, effort and love to make the 6 quilts: Mel Evans (WISD Band Director) by Judy Woollard, Cameron Reed by Tina Bond & Abby Lenz, Mac Shields by Melba Darnell, Justin Hardcastle by The Quilters, Russell Woollard by Claudine Finsterwald and In Honor of 1st Lt. Ben Britt by Lanette Hastey.
Toddler Time - Dahlia Venzor 806.341.5409
Bounce Houses (Water & Dry), Water/Yard Games, Kid's Korner
Obstacles Course
Bring your bikes to ride around in the trees.
Bring your own tents to set up around the park or on the soccer fields.
Punt/Pass/Kick - Camden Dorris 806.662.2306 & Josh Reid 806.252.6266
Mud Volleyball - Kim Angeley - 806.334.0261
3rd Annual HL Owens Memorial Horseshoe Tournament - TA Taylor - 806.216.1737
WJH Muddy Tug of War Fundraiser - Danielle Jones 806.663.3780
Ft.Elliott FFA Goat Roping - Ben Pigg 806.255.0288 or Shantell Campbell 806.662.3751
8th Annual Janette Hink Umsted Memorial Cornhole Tournament
Brennan Umsted 806.663.3331
12:00 - 12:45 pm - Jake & the Fat Men
1:15 pm - 2:15 pm - Mitchell Ford
2:45 pm - 3:45 pm - Tyler Wilhelm
4:15 pm - 5:45 pm - JW Lane & CR X
6:15 pm - 7:30 pm - Seth Ward & the Silence
8:30 pm - Dusk - Gary P. Nunn

9:45pm - Fireworks presented by the Wheeler Volunteer Fire Department
Don't forget to mark your calendar because the FUN isn't over on the 4th!
Friday, July 5th at NOON on the Wheeler County Courthouse Square - FREE Hamburgers and Hot Dogs hosted by one of our ROCKSTAR SPONSORS:
Capital Farm Credit!!
Saturday, July 6th - Wild and Free on Hwy 83 in Downtown Wheeler - Courthouse Square

9:00 am
Panhandle Handmade Market and Shopping downtown
(Contact: Christie Davis 806.736.0418)
Classic Car Show starts at 9am, Awards at 2pm, Poker Run at 3pm
(Contact: Kelly Cook 806.395.9269 or Casey Cook 806.395.1182)
Quilt Show at 420 S. Main Street
(Contact: Ken Hastey 806.203.0099 or Lanette Hastey 806.334.0070)
Open Mic on the Square
(Contact: Sammi Davis 970.219.6444)
3:00 pm
Little Firecracker Pageant
(Contact: Tiffany Berten 806.216.1601)
Poker Run
(Contact: Kelly Cook 806.395.9269 or Casey Cook 806.395.1182)